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20 Ways to Give Nature a Good Home

Saturday, 10 Feb 2024

Across the UK, nature is feeling the squeeze.

Gone are vast swathes of wild flower meadows, miles of hedgerows and hundreds of ponds: there are fewer and fewer places for wildlife to call home. More than 60% of the UK species assessed are declining, so it’s more important than ever that we work together to help them.

There are lots of fun and effective things you can do to make nature feel welcome in your patch, and you’ll find 20 suggestions in the booklet below to get your started, click on the image to access the pdf file, it is a big file so please be patient. There are lots more information online at rspb.org.uk/homes.

The survival of the nature around us depends on all of us, and you can make a real difference whether you have a country acre or an urban balcony. If we all do our bit, we can connect up the green spaces in the UK, so our wildlife can move around and thrive.

RSPB 20 Ways to give nature a home



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